
"Can you call the co. to get her a cab?"

I got sent to a nasty little area of town (135th SE Powell) to pick up this little old lady and her puppy dog, name of Rudy. A cute little weenie dog that's crying a bit in his basket. Poor little feller. She doesn't know what's wrong with him but he's been like this for a coupla hours, not really complaining, just crying. We put Rudy and his basket up front with me. When he started crying I kept rubbing his head and talking to him, he was licking my hand and put his little head on my hand and cried. I almost did too.

She was telling me that she got him from a shelter, he had been abused by the lady that had him before. She had kicked him down the stairs, broke his back and all this other nasty stuff, little Rudy has this big ol' scar running down his back, one of his ears is almost completely gone, etc. The courts made the 1st lady pay for Rudy's back surgery and he was better, but would never be completely well.

While we were driving to the vet Rudy was getting a bit anxious (doesn't like car rides) so by the time we got to the vet he wouldn't stay in his basket. She couldn't lift him at all so I just took him out of the basket and carried him in there while we waited for the vet to come out of the back. He calmed quite a bit with me. Kept licking my hands and looking up at me with his sad little eyes while the vet was touching and checking him out. He finally took Rudy from me and took him in back, Ms. L had to fill out paperwork so I gave the lady behind the counter my cell phone number and asked her to call me when they were ready to go, I'd come back and get them.

I wander around and get a couple more fares and the next person that gets in found some keys on the back seat, they have Ms. L's name on them. After I drop them I head back to the vet's to drop off her keys and check on Rudy. I got there, the girl behind the counter remembers me and tells me that Ms. L will be ready to leave in a bit.

Me: No problem, I can wait if it won't be too long. How's Rudy?

She: Doesn't look like he's going to make it.

Me: ... What? Why?

She: I'm not exactly sure, but the vet was just out here saying that they were discussing what to do about him and the pain. Apparently Ms. L is quite upset.

Me: ... Ya know what? I'm sorry, I don't think I can take her home. Can you call the company to get her a cab? Here's money for her trip home. Thanks.

I came home and bawled. Then typed this.


Weekends Off said...

Oh damn. I am sorry. That just sucks.


BarnGoddess said...

geesh, how sad!

poor little ole lady....

we lost our miniature weenie dog, Elvis, last winter. Some stupid idiot ran him over in our driveway! he was 8 yo...I still miss him so gawd damn much.

now Im gonna cry after reading this.

Anonymous said...

Giving extra snugglehugs to my kittehs. I hate hearing stuff like this. At least Rudy got a chance to have some love in his life at the end.

Sizzle said...

that's the saddest story. :( poor rudy. poor mrs. l. poor you. losing a pet is one of the worst feelings ever.


Tragerstreit said...

You've a heart the size of Texas, lady. I wouldn't have been able to take it, either.

Tracy Lynn said...


The Acid Queen said...

Oh no, poor little Rudy! :( I am crying my eyes out and giving loves and hugs to all four of my cats right now.

Ms. L is a saint for taking the little guy in and seeing that he was loved in his last days, and I hope that the woman who abused him so terribly winds up getting karmically bitchslapped in a very spectacular Darwin Award-like way.


Anonymous said...

Rudy knew kindness because of Mrs. L and you.

Anonymous said...

Oooohh!!!! That was sad, now I'm crying. I'm the mother of two precious weenie dogs myself. They are my world...I wouldn't of been able to handle it myself. At least Rudy found the love he so desperatly needed in his last days. I agree with The Acid Queen, the former owner of Rudy needs a Karma bitchslap in a bad way. With that said I'm gonna go love on my babies now.....

Catherine said...

Poor puppy, poor Ms. L., poor you. this is just heartbreaking. I am choked up reading this.

The Wife said...

Poor lady. She probably wouldn't have minded a semi-familiar face when she came out of the office tho. Not trying to be mean, just saying. I had a friend who's dog died recently, had the dog for 14 years. I had to fly up to be with her when she took the dog in for her final vet visit, she just couldn't do it alone.