
I got subpeonaed.

And I'm not happy about it. I have to go to court at 8 in the gdamned morning. Can ya'll guess how excited I am about this? Pssht. It's about the kid that was jumping on trees that one morning downtown. I think I put a msg on here about the DA calling and asking for me to leave her a msg on vmb letting her know what I had seen. Arrrrgh.


Dave2 said...

Bummer. For this, they had better hang the guy! :-)

Tracy Lynn said...


Anonymous said...

So much for it pleading out and not needing you to testify. Hope they can get you in and out quickly.

Missy said...

Is there such a thing as 8 in the morning? That sucks.

Just wanted to let you know you got a mention in my Blog Day post.