... but I had someone to pick up from W Linn at about 3:30a so I went out at 11p. Lucrative but odd night.
I picked up this young (19) severely physically challenged girl tonight from Milwaukie and took her to Sandy. She was in the car for awhile as we had to make a stop as well and she was very talkative. I can't recall the entire conversation as it went on and on. And on. But basically the upshot is:
* She's affianced to the guy that was tried and convicted of sexually abusing her when she was 12 and he was 23.
* She is living off the state and about to move into another apartment but is having a hard time as the state won't allow him into any of the state-run facilities due to the large number of children and handicapped ppl.
* Being a convicted sex offender he has to register when/where -ever he moves. She hadn't heard this before. I brought it up while we were discussing the state's lack of help with her move and she said he told her he is a "special case" in the state's eyes since he was innocent to begin with. "He only pled guilty because he didn't want to cause a rift in the family as it was his mother that turned him in for the abuse so he shouldn't have to register. Someone working for the state is slow in getting the paperwork changed."
*He's pushing her to get her caseworker to make a special exception for him to be made a "caregiver" for her so he can get the money that her current caregiver is getting as he cannot look for a job since he's a felon. According to him no one will hire him so why even bother trying.
* He has found an attorney that is willing to go to court and defend him from the sexual abuse charges now since he is marrying the girl he "supposedly" abused. But only after she gets moved and is able to pay for his atty.
These are just the points I couldn't get out of my head, there was quite a bit more.
That was a very sad story. She obviously lives in her own reality.
Wow. There was an article in the Washington Post last year about the reasons women were waiting longer to get married and this guy is prime example. One woman said:
"I can do bad by myself."
I am sure that her disabilities have something to do with it, but no one should have to settle for a relationship that is blatantly unhealthy.
But PD is right, it won't change until she shifts her paradigm. This is classic beaten/abused behavior.
ah the poor girl, she is not being used and abused in a different manner.
This guy needs to be locked up again.
so sad...
I'm outraged. I'm sick to fucking death of young people being exploited and abused. And yes, her whole reality has been severely warped, and someone or someones should be fucking drawn and quartered for not protecting her well enough. Evil adults are out here in this world; access to all inroads to a young and/vulnerable life are to be shut down by responsible parties. EPIC FAIL, adults in this girl's life! Rot in Hell.
Sad story.
I enjoyed reading around on your site. Thanks for the ride from airport to airport and the Thomas Guide : )
Hey... love your blog. I'm wondering if you could set it so I can see your entire posts in my RSS feeder? Currently one only gets the first paragraph or so..
I DL my RSS feed to read offline.. thanks so much!
this is a trainwreck in slow motion... is there no one else who will listen to her but an abuser and her cab driver?
I'm with "anonymous" - would *love* a full rss feed instead of just the beginning...
stockholm syndrome sort of
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