I'll be back to story-ing soon ... just quit my 2nd job and am now just driving again. While I build up some stories ya'll should check out these sights. ;o)
1) http://textsfromlastnight.com - what it sounds like, people send in their texts from last night. Who can argue with stuff like this:
(918): Can't talk. I'm at the Tulsa Sheriff's office with a bunch of rednecks. I bet I'm the only one that voted for Obama.
(515): I bet you're the only one who could read the ballott.
or this:
(310): im at the bar and i misjudged a fart...go home or ride the night out?Never mind, the bouncer made the decision for me...be home soon
2) http://oicollege.com - Only In College, The stories you'll never tell your parents.
3) http://www.superdickery.com/ - some dude takes covers or frames from old comics and makes comments.
Enjoy. Be back soon ...